

Award-winning journalist and author of Murder in the High Himalaya.

Murder in the High Himalaya was a highly complex and detailed book to report combining history, front line reportage, investigative elements and interviews with hundreds of sources. In the early stages of the project it was easy to be overwhelmed with so much material. I scouted around for a way to manage all my research and was intrigued to come across Scrivener. I struggled with the program at first but Keith wrote back personally every time to my queries — which I found most impressive — as I’m heartily sick of being routed through to conference calling centers when I need immediate tech support. Quickly, the program became indispensible in writing Murder in the High Himalaya. I was able to drag and drop chapters, access research with the click of a button and cut material effortlessly. All this enabled me to focus on the narrative at hand which I believe made me so much more creative and industrious and, Murder in the High Himalaya, the best book it could be.