Windows Scrivener 3 beta version expires January 31?

Every time I start the beta version of the windows version, a dialog box comes up saying that the software will expire on January 31, 2018. I have registered copy of Scrivener on my Windows machine at the same time. Can’t I just put the registration code into the beta version? I tried doing that but it does not give me an option to enter in the registration number, only an option to buy Scrivener. What do I have to do after January 31? Uninstall and then reinstall the beta version?

After 1/31, another beta version will be released. New beta versions will continue to be released until Win v3 is released for sale.

L&L will produce a newer beta version, with a new expiration time, before or on the expiration date. You then download and install that new version and carry on.

Each beta version is timed to expire after a relatively short period of time, to make sure folks don’t install it and forget that they are using a beta. This is why you can’t register it.

To add onto what the others have said, the new betas typically incorporate fixes to many of the bugs that are reported in the Beta forum.

I just bought Scrivener 3 for Mac, yet found it incompatible with Scrivener 1 for my windows system. I didn’t find the update release for Windows. Anyone knows how to deal with this version difference?

2 ways.

  1. Go to the Windows Beta forum and look at the announcement thread. It will have a link to download the current beta version of Scrivener 3 for Windows (at the time of this writing, Be warned – this is still early beta software, there are major parts of Scriv functionality that are not yet working, and it is not recommended to use the beta yet with projects you care about without lots of backups (and even then, because this is early beta, you may find that you get weird settings in your projects that are fixed by later versions).

  2. In Scrivener 3 for Mac, use the Export to Scrivener 2 feature. The resulting copy of the file can be used by Scrivener for Windows This is not a lossless process! You won’t lose any of your text and documents, but some of the big changes (compile formats, etc.) will not carry over. Plus, every time you come back from Windows to Mac, Scrivener 3 will reconvert the project to v3 format. This will get old quickly.

The option I would suggest is to download Scrivener 2.9 for Mac and install it side-by-side with Scrivener 3 for Mac. Scrivener 2.9 is essentially 2.8 that understands the Scrivener 3 license. So you can install 2.9, register it with your v3 license, then run 3 and 2.9 side by side. If you try to do this with 2.8, each version will not recognize each others’ activation and you will continually have to re-activate each of them.

Use Scrivener 2.9 for the projects you need to sync with Windows until such a time that the Windows version is more stable – then upgrade those projects to version 3.

Hi Ganger:

Many thanks for your reply. Only one thing to ask. When I downloaded the Scrivener 2.9 for mac and entered the serial number I got for Scrivener 3.0. It said ‘unknown activation error. Product activation for Scrivener failed with error:-2003’. Do you know why cannot?

Because you’re entering the serial number for a different version, perhaps?